3 Intestine Road, Fish Island
A story of a family of three consisting of a pig, fish and a tadpole that lives in the stomach of a big fish. Their lives are turned upside down when a fruit floats into their home.
※ 学生賞受賞作品はTAAF2023開催期間中に「短編アニメーション スロット1」と共に上映されます。
* The winning-film of Best Student Film will be screened with Short Animation Slot 1 during the TAAF2023.
監督 |
Moe Wakabayashi 1992年神奈川県生まれ。2015年多摩美術大学造形表現学部映像演劇学科卒業。2022年、東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科アニメーション専攻修了。 Born in Kanagawa, Japan in 1992, Wakabayashi graduated from Tama Art University in 2015. In 2022, she completed the Animation Course, the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts. |
© 2022 Moe Wakabayashi