『クレしんパラダイス!メイド・イン・埼玉』&『荒野のコトブキ飛行隊 完全版』―過去・現在・そして未来へ―
Focus on Director: Tsutomu Mizushima, "CreShin Paradise! Made in Saitama" & "The Magnificent KOTOBUKI THE MOVIE" - Past, Present and Future -
監督デビューから20年を経て、今なお活躍を続ける、アニメーション監督水島努氏の監督デビュー作『クレしんパラダイス!メイド・イン・埼玉』と、劇場最新作『荒野のコトブキ飛行隊 完全版』の上映を行います。
Twenty years have passed since his debut as a director, the director Tsutomu Mizushima continues to be successful even now. We will screen his directorial debut “CreShin Paradise! Made in Saitama” and his latest theatrical release “The Magnificent KOTOBUKI THE MOVIE”.
Moreover, after the screening, we will hold a special talk show in which Tsutomu Mizushima will come on stage, reflect upon his directorial life up so far, and talk about his outlook for the future.
水島 努 (アニメーション監督)
有澤 亮哉(『荒野のコトブキ飛行隊 完全版』プロデューサー)
Tsutomu Mizushima (Director)
Ryoya Arisawa (Producer)
荒野のコトブキ飛行隊 完全版The Magnificent KOTOBUKI THE MOVIE119分 2020年 一面荒野が広がる世界、“イジツ”――。ある日、空に“穴”が空き、そこから色々なものが降ってきた。 In the wastelands of Ijitsu, people’s lives have been greatly changed by the airdrop of various goods. As a result, the skies are crowded with merchant transport aircraft and air pirates. The team of ace female pilots known as Kotobuki Squadron is hired by the Ōni Company to take on this frenzied battle. |
クレしんパラダイス!メイド・イン・埼玉CreShin Paradise! Made in Saitama11分 1999年 おなじみクレヨンしんちゃんのキャラクターが繰り広げるバラエティに富んだショート・ショート・アニメーション。監督は『映画クレヨンしんちゃん 電撃!ブタのヒヅメ大作戦』で演出を務めた水島努。尚、本作は『クレヨンしんちゃん 爆発!温泉わくわく大決戦』の併映短篇として公開された。 This short animation is rich in variety and features the well-known Crayon Shin-chan characters. The short was directed by Tsutomu Mizushima who was an assistant director of “Crayon Shin-chan: Blitzkrieg! Pig’s Hoof’s Secret Mission”, and it had released as a companion to “Crayon Shin-chan: Explosion! The Hot Spring’s Feel Good Final Battle”. |
© 「荒野のコトブキ飛行隊 完全版」製作委員会
©臼井儀人/双葉社・シンエイ・テレビ朝日・ADK 1999