大塚康生追悼企画 『未来少年コナン』―大塚康生のアニメーションは、何故私たちを魅了し続けるのか―
Yasuo Otsuka Memorial Screening "Future Boy Conan" ‐The Eternal Life of His Animation‐
Animator Yasuo Otsuka passed away last year at the age of 89.
At TAAF, in memory of Mr. Otsuka, we will hold a talk show and screening of his best work.
A driving force in Japanese animation, he had a rare talent for animated expression and a personality that was loved by all who knew him. He has become a guiding light, both professionally and personally, in the lives of those he left behind. Let’s take a close look at the charm of this well-loved animator.
The dynamism of Yasuo Otsuka’s animation is what keeps us fascinated with them. “Future Boy Conan” conveys this to the fullest extent. When Hayao Miyazaki took on his first directorial role for this piece, he decided that Otsuka, who was a senior executive at another company at the time, had to be the animation director. “Future Boy Conan” is filled with the dynamics of Miyazaki and Otsuka working at their best. Please enjoy the talk with the guests who are fascinated by this work.
安藤 雅司(アニメーター/監督)
叶精二(映像研究家/亜細亜大学・大正大学・女子美術大学・東京工学院 講師)
竹内孝次(TAAF フェスティバルディレクター)
Masashi Ando (Animator / Director)
Seiji Kanoh (Researcher / Lecturer of Asia University, Taisho University, Joshibi University of Art and Design, TECHNOS COLLEGE)
Koji Takeuchi (Festival Director, TAAF)
Despite warnings from scientists that the earth’s axis would be twisted, two big nations engage in a magnetic war, then earthquakes and tidal waves destroy civilization.
20 years after the catastrophe, a handful of children and other survivors manage to live on earth. Conan who lives with an old man on an isolated island encounters with a girl named Lana, yet she gets abducted by the Industria which desires to use her telepathy to reveal the secret of solar power.
Conan departs to rescue her.
スタッフ | 監督:宮崎 駿 原作者:アレグザンダー・ケイ キャラクターデザイン:宮崎 駿/大塚康生 作画監督:大塚康生 プロデューサー:中島順三/遠藤重夫 |