Our Little Pond
I’m the only one who can’t live without an oxygen tank in the underwater world. No matter how suffocated I feel, I preserve peace and harmony by pretending the selfish girl and my friends with complicated family backgrounds don’t bother me.
監督 |
Namiko Ishidate 1990年東京生まれ横浜育ち。2013年多摩美術大学グラフィックデザイン学科卒業後、5年間アニメーターとして勤務。2021年東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科アニメーション専攻修了。 Born in Tokyo in 1990 and raised in Yokohama. After graduating from Tama Art University, Department of Graphic Design in 2013, worked as a professional animator for 5 years. Master's degree candidate in the Department of Animation, Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media, expected graduation in March 2021. |
わたしのトーチカ "Our Little Pond" - Trailer2 from Namiko Ishidate on Vimeo.
© 2021 ISHIDATE Namiko & Tokyo University of the Arts.