Set in a dystopian world, a young girl runs for her life while cameras broadcast the action. A declaration of love to the memories shaping our dreams for the future.
監督 |
Kajika Aki Ferrazzini パリの美術学校に入るため、レユニオン島を離れる。Estienne School of Applied Arts卒業後、Gobelinsに入学するが、短編アニメーションデビュー作となる『ママ』の制作に専念するため、中途退学を決意。1年以上をかけ、一人でこのプロジェクトに取り組んだ。 Kajika leaves Réunion island to enter Art school in Paris. After graduating from the Estienne School of Applied Arts, she joins the Gobelins School of Visual Arts. She decides to drop out in order to devote herself to the creation of her first animated short film "MOM", working on her own on this project for more than a year. |
©Kajika Aki Ferrazzini