Death and the Winemaker
A young winemaker devotes himself to creating the best wine in the world, to win the hand of his beloved Mathilde – the daughter of his rich neighbor. He creates a wine so exquisite, that even Death demands to taste it. As he learns the awful truth about Mathilde’s fate, he captures Death in a barrel, ignoring the consequences on the natural order of things.
監督 |
Victor Jaquier 1982年ローザンヌ生まれ。動画とストップモーションを織り交ぜた短編映画『Cronos and Rhea』以降、異なるテクニックを好んで探究している。2007年にCanal+ アンソロジー『Sable Noir』の1エピソードを監督。2010年には20分の実写映画『The Black Lake』を制作した。『死神とワイン職人』は、自身初の手描きのアニメーションだ。 Born in Lausanne in 1982, Victor Jaquier likes to explore different techniques, since his short film "Cronos and Rhea", which mixes live action and stop-motion. In 2007, he directed an episode for the Canal+ anthology, "Sable Noir". His 20-minute live action, "The Black Lake" was made in 2010. "Death and the Winemaker" is his first hand drawn animation. |
Death and the Winemaker - trailer (2021) from Victor Jaquier on Vimeo.
©Imaginastudio Sarl