City of Lost Things
As a struggling teenager, Leaf runs away from home and ends up, mysteriously, in a peculiar place, City of Lost Things. There he meets Baggy, a plastic bag. Baggy never sees himself as an unwanted junk. He has a purpose, that is, to lead his tribe to flee the city.
監督 |
Yee Chih-Yen UCLA卒業。1995年、デビュー作の『Lonely Hearts Club』はロッテルダム国際映画祭のコンペティション部門に選ばれ、2003年には『Blue Gate Crossing』がカンヌ映画祭の監督週間に選ばれた。2014年の作品『Meeting Dr. Sun』は、金馬奨で最優秀脚本賞を、大阪アジアン映画祭でグランプリと観客賞を受賞した。『捨てられたものの街』は、初の3Dアニメーション長編である。 Yee graduated from UCLA. In 1995, his debut film "Lonely Hearts Club" was selected to compete in IFFR. In 2003, his "Blue Gate Crossing" entered the Director's Fortnight of Cannes. In 2014, his "Meeting Dr. Sun" won Best Original Screenplay at Golden Horse Award, and the Best Picture, the Audience Award at Osaka Asian Film Festival. "City of Lost Things" is his first 3D animation feature. |