Shooom's Odyssey
Shooom, a baby owl, hatches just as a storm turns the bayou surrounding her tree upside down. No sooner has she fallen from her nest, then the little fledgling totters off into the mangrove, pushing a second egg from the brood along with her. Come hell or high water, she’s determined to find a mother… even if that mom turns out to be an alligator or a raccoon!
監督 |
Julien Bisaro La Poudrièreで美術を学んでから演出した短編デビュー作『Bang Bang!』はフランスの2015年セザール賞にノミネートされた。クレア・パオレッティと共に創立したPicolo Picturesで、3~7歳向けの26分の作品『ショームの大冒険』を監督した。 After Fine Arts and La Poudrière school, Julien directs his first short "Bang Bang!" nominated for the french César 2015. In his company Picolo Pictures created with Claire Paoletti, he then directs "Shooom's Odyssey", a 26' film for 3/7 year olds. |
©2019 - Picolo Pictures - Bardaf! Productions - RTBF - Kenet - Tous droits réservés