I'm Going Out for Cigarettes
Jonathan, twelve years old, lives with his sister, his mother and also some men. They all have the same face and nest in closets, drawers, TV set….
監督 |
Osman Cerfon 1981年生まれのフランスのアニメーション映画監督。EpinalのBeaux-Artsでグラフィックデザインを学んだ後、La Poudrièreで学位を取得。『タバコ、吸ってくる』は、Miyu Productionsプロデュースの自身初監督作品である。また、Miyu Productionsとは、52エピソードのオリジナルシリーズプロジェクトである『Voodoo Meow』の制作も並行して行っている。 Osman Cerfon is a French animated film director born in 1981. After studying graphic design and training at the Beaux-Arts in Epinal, Osman Cerfon completed his studies at La Poudrière school. "I'm Going Out for Cigarettes" is his first short film produced by Miyu Productions, an animation studio with which he develops in parallel "Voodoo Meow" an original series project of 52 episodes. |