In a hospital room, the Daughter recalls a childhood moment when as a little girl she tried to share her experience with an injured bird with her Father. A moment of misunderstanding and a lost embrace has stretched into many years all the way to this hospital room, until the moment when a window pane breaks under the impact of a little bird.
監督 |
Daria Kashcheeva プラハのFAMUでアニメーションを学んだ。学生時代の作品は多数の国際映画祭で取り上げられた。 オリジナル作品『To Accept』は、カンヌ国際映画祭のコンペティション部門でNespresso Talents 2017を受賞し、彼女の学士号作品の人形アニメーション『娘』は、2019年アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭でクリスタル賞を受賞した。 Daria Kashcheeva studies animated film at FAMU in Prague. Her student films featured at many international festivals. Daria’s original "To Accept" won the Nespresso Talents 2017 film competition in Cannes. Her Bachelor’s puppet animation "Daughter" has got a Cristal at Annecy Animation Film Festival 2019. |
©2019 Daria Kashcheeva