What Eventually Saved Robert
In a town full of chicken, the Sun needs to be awakened by the king of chicken, Robert. One day, Robert can no longer produce effective crow. His work preformance is bad, and his wife left him. Robert cannot do his job right, and he doesn’t want to tend to his son. How does Robert get his voice back and bring back the Sun?
監督 |
リンーチュン・ファン Po-En Wang Lin-Chun Huang ポーエン・ワンは国立台湾科技大学で商業デザインを学んでいる。小学生時代に初めて映画に触れ、それ以降、映画を見ることが趣味になった。全ての観客に深い感銘を与えられるような映画を作りたいと考えている。 Po-En Wang is studying in Department of Commerce Design of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He started to get to know films during elementary school and it also turns out that his hobby is always watching movies. He wants to make films which can make a deep impression in everyone’s minds. |
ⒸWang, Po-En, Huang, Lin-Chun. All Right Reserved.