The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands
A powerful king nearly lost his family due to the Snow Queen’s evil deeds. He finds a way to withdraw all the magic from the world – they who master the magic powers get trapped into the Mirrorlands. The only one who can stop him and keep the fairytale in our world is Gerda – as her own superpower is not sorcery but her faith in kindness and friendship. In Gerda’s new adventures, the Snow Queen herself will help her along with trolls and pirates.
監督 |
![]() ロバート・レンス Aleksey Tsitsilin Robert Lence アレクセイ・ツィツィリンは『雪の女王 新たなる旅立ち』で監督としてデビューをした。また、同作は大ヒットし、2014年のゴールデングローブ賞にノミネートされた最初のロシア制作アニメーション映画になった。『雪の女王:鏡の国』は、彼の3回目の監督作品である。 Aleksey Tsitsilin's directorial debut "The Snow Queen 2: The Snow King" became a box office hit and the first animation film made in Russia to be nominated for a Golden Globe in 2014. "The Snow Queen: Mirrolands" is his third work as a director. |
©Wizart Animation