第一章『GODZILLA 怪獣惑星』特別復活上映会&静野孔文・瀬下寛之監督トークショー
Special Talkshow "GODZILLA: Planet of the Monsters”
アニメーション映画『GODZILLA』三部作の第一章『GODZILLA 怪獣惑星』の上映後、静野孔文・瀬下寛之両監督を迎え、貴重なコンセプト・スケッチを始めとするイメージ画を交えながら、人類とGODZILLAの対決のみでなく、GODZILLAそのものに迫る。
第二章『GODZILLA 決戦機動増殖都市』の公開前に、本三部作をより深く味わって頂けるプログラムとなっております。
The time is 2048. A half a century has past since ferocious battle of mankind against monsters and “Godzilla” has begun.
Humans, unable to compete, finally exiled from their home planet to set out on an 11.9-light year journey for the planet Tau-e in the Cetus constellation.
But when they arrived after 20 years of space travel, the remnants of mankind find the environmental conditions on Tau-e to be much different than expected: uninhabitable by human being.
As the hope for the exile has deserted, mankind decided on a dangerous subspace jump-warp to return to their home planet: the Earth.
However, the warp created a distortion on time and space and 20,000 years have elapsed when they have finally returned.
The home they return to has now become an alien planet of a new ecosystem reigned by Godzilla…
監督 |
スタッフ | ストーリー原案・脚本:虚淵玄(ニトロプラス) 音楽:服部隆之 キャラクターデザイン原案:コザキユースケ アニメーション制作:ポリゴン・ピクチュアズ 製作:東宝 |
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