The predecessor of Tokyo Anime Award Festival (TAAF) was Tokyo Anime Award, which was held as a part of Tokyo International Anime Fair from 2002 to 2013. Launched as an independent international animation festival in 2014, TAAF celebrates its 12th edition in 2025.
The festival consists of three main sections: Competition (open to works previously unreleased in Japan for commercial purposes), Anime of the Year (targeted at works previously released or broadcast in Japan for commercial purposes), and Achievement Award (designed to recognize significant contributions to the animation industry and thus honor life, technology and history). Furthermore, the festival offers screenings of various works and special events including symposiums, workshops for children so on.
TAAF aims at fostering new talent, promoting the animation culture and industry, and contributing to the tourism of Tokyo by sharing the city’s charms under the slogan “TOKYO is the HUB of contemporary ANIMATION”, the festival screens outstanding and highly original animation works from all over the world, thereby interacting with animation aficionados worldwide and providing creators and audiences with thrills and inspirations.